Thursday, March 1, 2012

Slow Yer Roll

Confession: I drive fast. Not reckless, but fast. Real fast. I love fast. Always have driven fast, probably always will. As someone who is a.) chronically late (it's genetic, don't blame me, blame my mother), and b.) often fueled by stress and anxiety, I like to get where I'm going as quickly as possible. I like to think of it as driving with purpose. Yes, that's it... purpose (I love a good euphemism). If you know me at all, you probably already knew this. (Disclaimer: I still consider myself a safe driver, and an excellent one at that. I'm just extremely efficient.)

Lately, I've been noticing that I'm becoming more and more of a chronic red-light-runner. Ok, maybe not chronic, but it's becoming a common activity. (I really hope there aren't any law enforcement officers reading this. I also wish my husband wasn't going to read this particular post.) Note: I've never gotten a red light ticket, so I can't be that bad, right? Great, now I'll probably get one on the way to work tomorrow. This is what I get for being honest with the Internet.

Anyway, I began to analyze my increase in red-light-running. Why is it becoming more frequent? Here is what I've come up with: I drive ALL the way down Miramar Road and back everyday. There are a LOT of lights. A LOT. They are very frustrating. So, part of this is just statistical - I go through a higher volume of red lights, thus, I run a higher volume of red lights, right? Totally logical. Because of the sheer number of lights on Miramar and the frustration they cause, I tend to be more irritable while driving. More irritation = less lawful driving. It's a proven fact. Just look at New York City. Then, I'll have those days when I hit every. single. red. light. Arrrgggggggggg. You know what I mean, right?? After the 4th red in a row, I deserve to run a yellow/red, don't I? I deserve it!! Which makes is more legal, obviously.

To be fair, I never intend to run a red light. I've never driven through a RED red light. They are always yellow; yellow I tell you! Yellow in my car means SPEED UP! Pedal to the metal!! Instead of, proceed with caution! or slow down! But I never mean to run a red light. I'm always convinced that I have plenty of time to get through the intersection, and if I speed up juuuust a little bit, I'll be fine. And then, as I'm passing over the crosswalk, the red flashes me in the face. It says "you criminal!!" I'm always full of shame after a red light incident. (Maybe less so if it's the case where I deserve to get the light. That's different.)

Isn't this so often how we all approach sin? I don't think that any of us wake up in the morning thinking, "Yea, I'm totally gonna sin today. Something really naughty. Can't wait." Just like I don't pull out of my driveway thinking, "Can't wait to run a red light!" We inherently want to be good people. God created us that way, but he also gave us free will, and we are bound to fall short. We get ourselves in trouble when we try to walk the line, or push the limit. Just like a yellow light. Instead of speeding up and trying to sneak through, we should slow down and play it safe. But it's so hard to do sometimes.

Often times, we are going so fast that we don't even have time to stop! We are rushing right through life and we don't have time to look at the traffic signs that God is posting for us; the warnings he puts out there to help us avoid sin. Often times, we continuously put ourselves in tempting situations that make it even harder to hear God's voice and turn away from sin. Luckily, in our spiritual lives, we don't HAVE to drive down the metaphorical Miramar Road, filled with red lights and endless temptation. We can choose to avoid those situations are drive in the slow lane on the freeway. But do we make that choice?

Sometimes, we are inevitably going to be put in tempting and tough situations, just like I have to drive down Miramar Road everyday. When we find ourselves there, the key is to slow down, look, and listen. You know how when you see a cop you always slow down because you don't want to get a ticket? Well, God isn't a cop, but He IS everywhere, always watching. He knows your every move, before you even make it. Lucky for us, God doesn't give out tickets. When we break his law, he still loves us and is willing to forgive us and make our hearts clean. Let us always remember that He is there, constantly in our midst, not to write us tickets, but to give us guidance and lead us to Salvation.

As you're driving through life, think of God as the cop in your rear view mirror. It might help you slow down and avoid temptation, and to proceed with caution. Only, it shouldn't fill you with fear or anxiety, but instead give you peace in knowing that He is always watching out for you and trying to keep you safe.

So, I'm gonna slow my roll. Are you?

"Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

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