Monday, March 12, 2012

definitely having a cray day

Oy, today is totally one of those days. For real. I'm warning you now, there may be no redeeming quality to this post today. I am feeling totally and completely drained of any wisdom or positive thoughts.

First of all, I hate daylight savings. The whole concept is stupid to me - let's just stick with one time frame for the entire year, ok? It's the one thing Arizona has going for itself. Losing the hour of sleep completely throws me off - needless to say, I woke up very, very late today, thus messing up my whole schedule. Totally my fault, but still, not happy about it.

Then I got to work hoping to be super productive and finish all the retreat stuff I need to do before Friday. But that would have been too easy. Instead, I have parents coming in to drop off stuff for other events, teens coming to ask me non-retreat related questions, and general office nonsense (like an audit... could the timing be any better??) to deal with.

I was enjoying my lean cuisine lunch when I was "needed" up in the front office, so I begrudgingly left it behind to get cold while I went up to deal with something utterly unimportant. When I got back, I discovered that Parker Joe was concerned about it getting cold, so he just went ahead and ate it off my desk while it was still hot. Fantastic. Now I'm hungry. I've already told you what I'm like when I'm hungry - it's not pretty.

Needless to say, I've been especially cranky and crazy today. I really just want to hole up in a cave and not have to talk to or interact with anyone until Friday. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. On days like this, I have to try to remember to just take a deep breath and forge on. All in all, my problems are small compared to the rest of the world, even though they may feel huge. I think sometimes it's okay to be a little cray - God loves me anyway.

And, it's okay to ask for help. So today, I'm going to ask for your help. If you feel so inclined, say a little prayer for me this week. Prayers for peace and patience - that's what you need when you take 130 teenagers on retreat for an entire weekend. Pray I survive until Sunday and my hair hasn't turned gray. Pray that the cray doesn't come out and scare all the teenagers on retreat (even though that's fun sometimes). In turn, I will pray for all of you, and that you have a blessed week, and you remember that you are loved.

I am going to head to my happy place (Target!) in an attempt to turn this day around. I'll see y'all tomorrow with a big smile on my face - I'm planning to bring a back up lunch, just in case.

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