Wednesday, February 29, 2012


First of all, my apologies for the weird font change in yesterday's post. Also, please accept my apology for not going back to fix it, because I don't know how. oops. Man, I'm such a rookie! Someday, I might learn. We'll see. My sis also requested that I add some photos to the blog for a little visual candy, but I don't know how to do that yet either. Sorry sis! It's only day three - we have plenty of time for improvement, right? I don't want to give it all up in the beginning! What would keep you coming back??

This morning we had our staff prayer meeting. I have to say, as awful as it is to admit, I completely dread the Wednesday staff prayer meeting. We use these Small Church Community books and we discuss the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday's Mass. It's nice to be able to review the reading ahead of time, but I find the reflections in the books we use kind of lame, and I hate breaking up into partners and sharing my thoughts. Whilst I do like the people I work with, they are all much older than me and the conversations can be very awkward. And I don't like awkward.

Today, we read about the Transfiguration of Jesus. Then, we read the reflection (which was actually kind of good today), and we got to share as a whole group! Thanks be to God! No awkward one on one convo!! It's the small victories, people, ok? Anyway, the reflection talked about having to expand our experience of God. Peter, James and John were up on that mountain with Jesus and were totally freaked out because Jesus was turning a dazzling white and God was speaking to them - you'd probably be freaked out too, right? I would! They were experiencing an expansion of God's greatness and power that they had never seen before, and it forced them to expand their idea of who God is.

We too are called to expand our idea of what and who God is. He is not something that can be kept in a box, or predicted, or figured out. He truly is a beautiful mystery to us. So often we want to try to define him, or use him for our own devices or our own comfort, or pretend that we know what he knows. It is easier to keep God "within the lines" so to speak, right? Visit him on Sunday at Mass, spend a few minutes in prayer with him at bedtime or before meals, read a bit of scripture, but then ignore him when we don't need him, or we haven't scheduled him into our day. I know I do it, and I bet you do too.

One of the other staff members suggested that in order to expand our experience of God, we have to remember that he lives in each and every one of us, and try to recognize him in all people at all times. This is not as easy as it sounds! This idea calls us to be open and accepting of all people - family, friends, strangers (yikes!), enemies, sinners, etc. etc. Did you see God in the person that cut you off while driving to work today? I didn't. I scowled at them. Did you see God in your sister when she borrowed your favorite shirt without asking? (it's a girl thing. ladies, you understand, right?) I'm betting not. (This was definitely the cause of 85% of the fights in our household growing up) Did you see God in the annoying hipster trying to get you to sign his gay marriage proposal? Next time, try.

Try to see God in all people at all times. Don't let yourself focus on the negative and let your judgement of others get in the way of love. Remember how yesterday we talked about being created in the image of God? ALL human beings are created in the image of God, and he lives in them, whether they know it or not. He is knocking on everyone's heart, but some people haven't learned how to listen to him. Instead of judging them, pray for them. Let the love of God that lives in you reach out to them.

If we have the ability to recognize God in all people at all times, I can bet that our lives will become more enjoyable. If you live your life trying to see the good in others, you will feel good, and will probably be more likely to see the good in yourself. So go ahead, expand your experience of God. We may not have been able to witness the Transfiguration, but if we open our eyes, I trust that He will show us some truly amazing things.

Now, let's see if I can put this into practice when I teach my 5th grade CCD class this afternoon. It can be real hard to see God in those little boogers... pray for me!

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