Thursday, March 15, 2012

blahhh blah blah

I have nothing positive to say today - I just want to make sure you're all forewarned. I'm going to write anyway because, a.) I'll be on retreat all weekend so I'll be off the grid for a while, b.) the husband told me I should, and c.) I'm going to hope that the Spirit works through me and finds something meaningful to say. But I'm not making any promises - seriously.

I started off my day today by falling twice. First, on my walk with Parker Joe. We both got a little too excited when we got near the ducks by my house, we got tangled up, and splat... I end up on the ground. Don't worry - I didn't fall on the babe. Then, when I got home, I slipped in the shower and took a nice hard shower edge to the back of my leg. A nice bruise is forming already. I did not tell the husband about these falls, cause he gets a little worried about my clumsiness. I hope that alllll you loyal readers (all 4 of you) appreciate my putting this out there for you - I'm definitely going to get a frown from the hub when he reads this. You're welcome.

The day picked up after that - went to see one of my best friends win a special award, was really productive at work, had a good update from the doc (would have been better if she was right when she told me initially that I had lost weight... but she was just reading the number wrong. oh well), found some awesome buys at Big 5 (so random, but so great), and then met a friend's new little one. And then I was on my way to BJ's for some good grub and the sis' b-day. Good times, no?

Of course, the day ended more like it started. My dinner was interrupted a few times by church parents contacting me with last minute requests and exceptions - my mood took a serious nose dive from that point on and that is now where it resides. Plus, I ate way too much pizookie. Always delicious going down... never feels quite so great after. Bleh.

I find myself trying to gear up for the retreat I'm leading this weekend, but finding it especially hard this year. Lugging around another human being in my belly is not helping my cause. I went to confession yesterday to prepare my heart for the weekend, and I kid you not, I have already committed every single sin today that I confessed yesterday. Epic fail.

All I can do now is trust that God has a bigger plan for me this weekend than I have for myself. I know he is calling me to be on this retreat and lead 110 teens toward him, and even though I'm pretty sure he has the wrong girl, he's God, so he knows what he's doing. He certainly knows more than I do. This weekend, I just need to be a vessel for the Spirit and a messenger for God. I have to leave all of my own issues at the door and be His servant - even though I reallllllly don't feel like it. But maybe, those are the times that we earn even extra grace. When we don't want to, but we do it anyway - we do it for the glory of God.

We do the best we can, and that's what God wants from us. He can do the rest. And he will. This weekend, I'm going to ask him to work really hard. :) And I'm going to ask you all to pray for me, the retreat team, and all of the students on retreat. It would mean more than you know. I'll be back Monday with a full report for y'all.... I'm sure you'll be holding your breath.

Alright, me and my bad attitude are going to bed. I'm hoping to wake up with a spring in my step and a smile. I know... that doesn't even sound like me. Ok, I'll just hope for a smirk and an ability to walk without falling. I think we'll avoid the ducks tomorrow....

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