Monday, March 26, 2012


I am for sure having one of those days where my brain is going in 57 different directions. For real. 57.. maybe even more. Oy. Let's see if I can come up with a cohesive thought today. Wish me luck.

So, we bought a house. And when I say "we" I really mean "I'm a very lucky girl," because let's face it, the hub is the real bread winner in this family. I helped by signing my name on lots of papers. Lots and lots. Now I'm helping by trying to pick things out and coordinating contractors, electricians, handymen, painters, carpenters, circus freaks, etc. etc. It's enough to make a girl crazy.

This whole "owning a home" thing is no joke. There is a lot to be done. I'm learning through this process of mini-remodeling that we truly are all different parts of the same body (Romans 12: 4-8). Each contractor has a different specialty within the whole home repair umbrella. You can't just call up some dude and have him fix everything... there is a different dude for each different thing (and if there are some ladies out there in contracting... more power to ya. I've only talked to dudes to far). Today I am really wishing that God created someone who could basically build a house by himself with his bare hands. If you know of such person, please send me his number.

I guess when it comes down to it, I would rather have 6 different people working on the house that are REALLY good at what they do, then one guy who is kinda good at a bunch of different things. (but seriously, if you know of a superhuman contractor, I want his info.) God created each of us to be unique and different and to have our own special talents. He doesn't ask us to build his kingdom all alone with our bare hands. That's nearly impossible. He calls us to work together with others in the Body of Christ.

I am finding this especially true in my ministry right now. I can't lie to you - I'm a little burned out and I've been feeling totally uninspired lately. If I don't have any fire, how can I expect to pass that fire on to my teens? But with a babe in the belly, crazy hormones in the head, and a house on the brain, I'm struggling. Struggling hard. Which is why I'm thankful for my CoreTeam and my dear friends and volunteers who are such an integral part of this ministry. Without them, I would fail miserably.

To all my catechists, retreat leaders, adult chaperones, CoreTeam members, volunteers, etc. etc. - please accept my most sincere thanks for all you do. YOU are the heart of this ministry. You are helping to build God's kingdom on earth. I'm just the crazy lady sitting at the desk trying to organize it all. Thank you for your enthusiasm, your positivity, your grace, and your faith. You can always make me smile even when I feel like crying. Please don't ever forget how special you are, and always cherish the talents that God has given you. I love you all.

My head is still spinning. I hope I made a little bit of sense today. Tomorrow I'm meeting with a bunch of different people at the house so that I can try to organize all of their various talents and get the repairs done in a timely manner so we can move in soon. Wish me luck. I hope I can at least act like I know what I'm talking about instead of looking like the dumb blonde who doesn't know what drywall is. (Today I googled "anatomy of stairs." We have to have part of the staircase redone and I wanted to know what I was talking about. Who knew there were so many different parts to a staircase????)

Alright, the babe is kicking me in the ribs. I think he's hungry. Either that or his talent is being a ninja.

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