Friday, March 2, 2012

Well hello, Friday. It's so nice to see you. You are my favorite day. Friday is my day off (usually... I'm actually at work as I type tonight), and it's my favorite kind of day because I usually have nothing to do. Most everyone else I know is at work, so it's just me and Parker Joe on Fridays during the day and we are usually deliciously lazy. Most times I put some laundry in the washing machine while I watch TV so I can feel a little bit productive, but not today. Today I didn't accomplish anything. Am I motivating you right now or what??

I'm getting somewhere, trust me. One of the guilty pleasures I indulged in today was watching my favorite show, Bethenny Ever After. It's on Bravo, and it's all about Bethenny Frankel and her life as a business woman, wife, mother, friend, and crazy person. I love her. She makes me feel more normal, since I think we can agree she is even crazier than I am. Or we are at least on the same level. I wish she were my real life friend; I know we would hit it off. Bethenny, if you're reading this, my number is..... just kidding. In my dreams.

Moving right along, today on the show she was having lunch with her friend Hoda (she's on TODAY with Kathie Less) and they were talking about finding success and love later in life. Hoda is madly in love with a new man, and claims to have found true love for the first time at 47 years old. Bethenny is 41 and recently sold her signature cocktail idea, the Skinny Girl Margarita, to Jim Beam for a boat load of money, and was on the cover of Forbes magazine. It's pretty amazing what she has accomplished.

Now, don't go thinking that I'm telling you to make these two your new role models. They are celebrities, they have their flaws, and I am not condoning their lifestyles. But listening to their conversation got me thinking about something - God's timing. These women are examples of finding "success," happiness, love, fulfillment much later in life than they had expected. Much later in life than most people expect to, right?

Society has groomed us to crave instant gratification. We want anything and everything RIGHT NOW. Waiting is not an option. Between cell phones, iPads, laptops, etc. etc. we have the world at our fingertips at all times. Furthermore, we are taught from a young age what "success" is supposed to mean in this country. Ahh, the American Dream. Go to college, land your dream job, meet your other half, get married, but a house, have a few kids.... all before you're 35. Maybe even younger. Sound familiar?? It's a lot of pressure.

But is this kind of timing God's timing?? Is this what he really wants for us? I have to laugh now when I look back at myself after college. I never thought about God's timing. I had Tara's timing, and that was all I needed. Until I realized that my timing wasn't working out. I was totally convinced at 23 that I would be stuck waitressing my whole life, living with my parents, and dying alone (just a litttttle dramatic. I told you I was crazy). I didn't care about what God wanted for me, or what his plan was. I was too wrapped up in my own plans and in the plans of everyone around me.

What we all need to remember is: God's timing is PERFECT. He has a specific plan for each and every one of us, and he wants nothing more than for us to be happy and fulfilled. The other thing that we have to remember is: God's timing is never our timing. We have to trust in him and his plan, which is not easy to do! But when we can let ourselves be at peace, knowing that he will take care of us and fulfill our every hope and dream (maybe not winning the lottery or being BFF with Bethenny Frankel, but within reason), that is when we will know happiness.

Don't give in to the ways of the world, and settle for mediocrity just because it's easy, or because you can have it NOW. Have patience, trust in God and his plan, and let him lead you to the richness of life.
And if you need a good laugh along the way, watch Bethenny - she'll make you feel a little better, guaranteed!

"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future of hope" Jeremiah 29:11

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