Saturday, March 3, 2012

wahh waaaahhhh

First, a housekeeping issue: I cannot figure out how to edit posts. Yesterday the weird font thing was back, AND I called Kathie Lee Kathie Less. Proofreading is a good idea, no? Anyway, I don't know how to fix them, so sorry 'bout it. I'm not a very good housekeeper anyway.

I'm totally having a pity party for myself today. Pity.Party. It's bad. I keep telling myself I need to buck up and get over it, but it's not happening. arg. I've been at church all day chaperoning our 24 hour food fast, which started last night at 6:30pm. Don't even start to feel sorry for me though - I'm doing enough of that for myself. I'm not fasting, because a.) if you read my first post you know I suck at it, and b.) the babe is a very hungry babe. He must eat. Also, I brought our handy Aero bed to sleep on last night, so I didn't even have to sleep on the floor. I know, I know, my life is
so rough.

I'm mostly pouting because my mom, sisters, and bffs are at a dance convention this weekend and I realllllly wish I was with them. Like reallllllyyyyy. It's silly, I know. I would probably look like an idiot trying to dance around with this belly of mine, especially because getting dressed in the morning makes me out of breath. But, none-the-less, I am letting it ruin my weekend here because I'm not there.

Here's the really crazy thing though. While I do love going to the dance conventions every year, and it's a tradition that we all cherish, I am usually the first one to get irritated over the course of the weekend. My mom owns a dance studio, and the reason that we go is because she takes all of her students to participate in the dance classes during the day and to compete at night. It's a LOT of teenage girls. And their mothers. Who all know me, or think they know me, because I'm my mom's daughter. I usually want to say, "uh, who are you??" but instead, smile and nod. The situation always stresses me out, without fail. To be completely honest, I need a glass of wine just to survive.

How easy it is for me to forget about the negative aspects of that experience because I am so busy focusing on the negatives of this weekend's reality. It's so cliche, but it's so true: the grass always seems greener on the other side. Why?? WHY WHY WHY? It's so frustrating! Why can't we just be happy with what we have and live our lives in the moment? Being human is so irritating to me. Sometimes, I just wish I were a dog. They're always dumb and happy, wagging their tails and getting excited over a dried up bone made of stuff that cannot taste good.

But God created us as humans for a reason, and He calls us to be happy and thankful for all of our blessings, even when we can't see them. A blessing in disguise, if you will (geez, so many cliches today... sorry!). While it's been extremely hard for me to be missing out on the dance weekend, I have been blind to the blessings of the food fast weekend. The fact that I got to spend the entire weekend with my husband; that I have a husband who is willing to give up his weekend and spend it with me and the teens that I work with. I got a LOT of work done today that I won't have to worry about later this week. We heard an awesome presentation from one of my favorite ladies at the church about The Street Child Project in Uganda and the amazing work they are doing there (check out their website: and make a donation!).

I could keep going (I get to go to dinner with my Dad tonight!), but I won't bore you with the mundane details of my Saturday. I just hope that you might take a little bit of time to think about the blessings in your life that you may be overlooking. Honestly, when I sat down to write today, I had no idea what I was going to say. I really just wanted to complain to y'all, since you can't say anything back! ha! But as I sat here and took the time to reflect, God spoke to my heart and reminded me of ALL the things I have to be thankful for. And there are endless things. Endless.

My pity party has officially ended. I'm about to go to a dinner party with Jesus in the church - you're all invited! Shout out to my ladies in Irvine.. I hope you're having an awesome weekend! I miss you all!!

"We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction." -Harry Ironside

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