Monday, March 5, 2012

I love ya, tomorrow

Well hello there, how are you? I apologize for the lack of post yesterday (since I'm sure my hundreds of readers cried themselves to sleep last night because I didn't post. ha). My day was spent at the church and I just ran out of time, plus, technically Sundays are not counted in the 40 days of Lent, so I gave myself the day off. It's totally legal, don't worry. Ask a priest!

Today I'm spending the day at home, since I was at work all weekend. My plan was to be super productive and catch up on all the housework I should have done this weekend, but I'm not gonna lie, I've watched 2 episodes of the Real Housewives and haven't folded one single piece of laundry. Fail. The kitchen is still a mess too, as is the bathroom, and my bag from the weekend is laying on the floor and it hasn't been unpacked. Yikes. Too much to do. It's overwhelming. So, I find it much easier to stay in my bed and ignore my responsibilities. I've got a whole lot of TV at my fingertips on my Netflix that will keep me entertained until the hub gets home. Oh yea, I'm also supposed to go grocery shopping and cook dinner. Rats.

So now it's 3pm and I still have a whole pile of work to do. And that big pile is scary. I'm looking for any excuse to avoid it. Writing this seems like as good an excuse as any!! The problem is, when I'm done, the pile of work will still be there. It's not going anywhere. Such is life. It's always easier to run from our problems and/or responsibilities, to avoid them, to procrastinate, to justify our laziness. But that only makes things worse. It just makes our problems harder to solve, our responsibilities more abundant, and our plates more full.

The key is to tackle one thing at a time. I can handle folding one load of laundry. Maybe not five(yes, that's how much laundry I have to do today), but I can handle one. And after that one is done, there will only be four left. And so on and so forth. I think this is how we need to approach our Lent - take things one day at a time. Baby steps. You may think it's impossible to survive 40 days of sacrifice, but I know you can handle one. And that's all you have to do today - just get through one. Tomorrow will be a new day, with new challenges and sacrifices and problems and responsibilities, but don't worry about tomorrow. It's not here yet. Just deal with today. You can do it. I can do it. I will conquer this giant pile of laundry!!!

The kitchen, bathroom, and overnight bag may have to wait until tomorrow. But I'm not going to worry about that. I'm just going to get through today.

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

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