Thursday, March 8, 2012

Falling... and getting up

So, no post yesterday. First official fail. Crap. I told you I was bad at Lent! I was on such a roll, and then it all came to a screeching halt. I could make lots of excuses about why I didn't post yesterday (I took a trip to Julian for work, taught my 5th grade CCD class of little monsters, etc. etc.), but the cold hard truth is that I basically forgot. I meant to do it when I got home last night, but instead I listened to my hunger and cooked and ate dinner. Then I could have done it after dinner, but I listened to my laziness and watched TV. Total failure.

The worst part about it is, it is even harder than usual to post today. I lost my momentum and my mind finds itself completely blank (or full of other useless thoughts that I'd rather not share - and you'd rather not hear). It felt easier to just accept defeat and give up altogether then to sit in front of this computer and try to find something meaningful to day.

Life feel like that sometimes - like it's easier to give up then to keep forging on. When I was a little girl and I fell and scraped my knee, or any other injury for that matter, I would just sit right where I was and cry. Wail, actually. I was kind of dramatic. The thought of getting up was just too painful. And then I knew my dad would want to pour hydrogen peroxide (a.k.a. torture solution) on it and get it all cleaned up. I just couldn't handle it. Laying in the middle of the street crying was a much, MUCH better idea. If I stayed there long enough, surely the wound would heal itself. And crying obviously makes everything better, right? Well, until you get hit by a car cause you're laying in the middle of the road. oops.

The fact is, we have to get up, dust off, pour on some hydrogen peroxide, and move on. It's the only way that we will truly heal. It often feels like a huge obstacle, something we can't handle. But if we lay there and cry, we will just continue to lay there and cry. Nothing will get better. Nothing will change, nothing will improve, nothing will heal. But we have to remind ourselves of that fact every now and again. Falling down sucks - and the truth is, sometimes getting up sucks even more. But after you get up, everything gets better. You might get a sweet band-aid, a kiss and a hug, or a popsicle to make yourself feel better. And before you know it, you're good as new.

And remember, we all fall down. Every single one of us. And we need to help each other get up. If you have a friend or a loved one who is sitting in the street crying, you need to get those band-aids ready and force them to get up if you have to; they will certainly thank you for it later. Just make sure you give them a popsicle after.

Even though I failed, I'm back in the saddle. Hopefully I can ride into the sunset without any band-aids. I can't make any promises though...

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