Wednesday, March 28, 2012

phone woes

So I dropped my phone in a cup of water yesterday. I fished it out immediately, gave it a good shake, wrapped it in an obscene amount of paper towels, and hoped for the best. Sadly, none of those things worked. It seems it died on impact. RIP Motorola Driod, RIP. You were good to me.

The craziest part was the feeling I got when I knew I had NO form of communication on my person. I was out and about (meeting with a contractor... of course), so I had no iPad, no computer, no land line. Nothing. I'll admit - I started to panic a little bit. I was supposed to meet the hub, but I didn't know when or where, I was meeting with a strange man at an empty house, what if one of the other 7 different contractor types I've been coordinating with tried to call... what if, what if, what if???????

If you know me well, you will probably find this panic over the lack of phone especially funny. Because if you know me, you know I hate my phone. I hate talking on it, answering it, the sound of it ringing, the constant work emails that pop up on it... most of the time I prefer to be disconnected. My phone usually resides deep in the bottom of my purse, always on silent. I've never been know for being easy to get a hold of. And forget about listening to voice mail... I wait until there are at least 4 messages are piled up before even bothering to listen. I know, I'm awful.

So there I was, without a phone, and with a perfectly good reason. I should have felt bliss. But instead... panic. Why, why, why?? I drove immediately to the Verizon store and replaced it within an hour. When it comes down to it, I like the security of having a phone at my disposal, even if I don't always like to use it. I don't necessarily want people to be able to get in touch with me, but when I need to get in touch with someone, I'd like the opportunity and ease of a cell phone.

I think the same can be said of our relationship with God sometimes. We don't always want to talk to him. We don't want him to be able to get a hold of us, we don't want to listen to his voice mails, and we certainly don't take the time to call him up just to chat. We believe in Him, we love Him, we know He's good for us, and that he will save us from any situation, but most of the time, we leave him buried at the bottom of our purses (Murses for all you men-folk).

However, whenever we feel like He has abandoned us, when things don't go our way, when we don't get an immediate answer, we go into panic mode. I'll admit, it would be really cool if there were a God store that could replace our lost faith in 20 minutes or less. But there isn't. But we don't need one. Because... God never abandons us. We can always count on him to be there. It doesn't matter how deep you try to bury Him in your bag or drown Him in the old soda in your cup-holder... He won't leave you. There is no need to panic when it comes to our Savior and Redeemer. We are never separated from him.

For those of you who are obsessed with your phones... maybe that's a good model of how your relationship with Jesus should be. Constantly checking in, answering calls, sending texts... if you spend a lot of time on your phone, try to make that your reminder that you should be spending that time with Jesus. Download a bible verse app, start a mini-prayer journal in Note Pad, listen to a worship station on Pandora, bookmark a blog (wink, wink)... whatever it takes.

If you're more like me and would rather ignore your phone, then let it be a reminder to never ignore Jesus. If it rings and you don't answer it, take the time you would have spent on the phone to say a little prayer. Or, ask God for the patience to help you endure those annoying phone calls and emails. Every time you have to dig it out of your bag, pocket, purse, etc., remind yourself to never bury your relationship with Jesus. And find peace in knowing that even if you lose your phone, you will never, ever lose Him.

Wish me luck as I try to figure out this new contraption. I finally caved and have become an iPhone owner. It better live up to the hype. When I put my old Droid on the counter at the Verizon store the sales guy looked at me like I was a grandma and said "wow, looks like you've still got our very first version of the Droid...." Yea, buddy. That phone lasted me a long time... would have been longer if I wasn't so clumsy. I have serious phone loyalty. Good thing I have some pretty serious Jesus loyalty as well... and He lasts forever!

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