Thursday, March 22, 2012

babe watch

Oh hey thereeee. I'm so happy to be sitting down to write in the afternoon today instead of in bed post 10pm. My brain works much better at this earlier time. It's also working better because I've been spending most of my day lounging somewhat mindlessly by the pool. I say somewhat because me and the littlest sis have been watching the middle sister's babe, and let me tell you, it ain't easy. She pretty much demands constant attention. Weird... Babies don't like to just lay out by the pool. It's all good though, my vampire skin began searing after 10 minutes in the sun. The cabana became my BFF. Kinda sad when the 7 month old can tan better than you... Oh well.

Taking care of a little one definitely requires you to put yourself second and them first. Even if they are being annoying, irrational, irritating, high maintenance, you have to suck it up and deal. There is no negotiating with a babe. This week at staff prayer we were discussing the idea of "dying" to yourself and your own selfish desires. Jesus reminds us in the gospel of John that unless a grain of wheat dies, it will never product fruit. Same goes for us humans... It is only when we put aside our own agend that we make room for God's will and the amazing things he has planned for us.

Some situations in life make it "easy" to die to yourself.. And by easy I mean you aren't given a choice. Such as in the case of parenting. Don't get me wrong... I know it ain't easy. Ever. But in a way, it's a given. You don't really have a choice. The question is, can we die to ourselves when we're not forced to? When someone's safety and survival doesn't depend on us?

What about when someone cuts you in line at the store or cuts you off on the freeway? I can tell you... My first thought is never to die to my own selfishness. What about when a friend needs you or asks you for a favor? Do you think of them first or yourself and your own busy life and agenda? How about at work? Are you willing to sacrifice your own time to help out another? How about when it comes to your relationship with Jesus? Do you put him first?? I certainly don't as much as I should... It's much easier to watch tv or spend some time fb stalking than pray, right? And how about in your family? Our families are always the ones we beat up on first. I do it, and you know you do too. Don't deny it.

I think that it's in these little things that we are truly called to die to ourselves. We can't pick and choose the times in our life when we want to be selfless and kind - it has to become a way of life. It's certainly not easy, but it is something that we are called to do. And let's face it: it usually feels pretty good to make someone else happy, so it's better for everyone in the long run. Jesus has amazing things planned for our lives, as long as we can die to our own agenda and live as He calls us to live.

I'm going to go back to hanging with the sisters and the babe. And when the little one gets crazy, I'm just going to smile and give her love. And when my sister makes annoying baby talk noises, I'm going to refrain from punching her even though it makes me cringe. And when someone steals our elevator, I'm going to happily give it up to them. Well.... At least I'm going to try.

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