Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm back; I survived. In one piece. Thanks be to God.
I did come home with a weird rash on my face, bug bites all over my hands and arms (how do bugs even survive in freezing weather??? bizarre.), tired feet, a knot in my back and 6 loads of dirty laundry. But I came back happy and healthy and thankful. And that's all that really matters.

I will get around to giving you all a full retreat recap. Promise. But today has been crazy and it's late and I'm tired. If I hadn't already failed multiple times with this whole Lenten promise thing, I probably wouldn't even post at all. Just to be honest.

What I will tell you is this - if there is anything I learned this weekend, it's that I don't know everything, I can't control anything, and that's ok. There were so many things that happened this weekend that I couldn't have predicted, that I couldn't control, that I couldn't figure out. I had to ask for help, improvise, let it go, and let the Spirit move me. As you've come to know if you read this consistently, those are all things I'm not very good at. But I didn't have a choice, and you know what? It all turned out ok. I rolled with the punches. (well, most of the time)

Tonight at bible study we read John chapter 9 about the man born blind. Jesus reminds us that it is only when we are blind that we will be able to see the light. That the minute we think we know it all is the moment we become completely lost. I definitely lived that this weekend, without meaning to, or even really wanting to. But it was only because I couldn't be in control that I allowed God to take control. And, of course, He had it covered. Everything turned out okay - despite the rain, the snow, the mysterious bugs, and the crazy cooped up teens.

I can only hope that the weekend was memorable, enjoyable, spiritual and meaningful for the teens. I will never really know if it was or wasn't. But that's ok. The minute I think I have my ministry figured out is the moment it becomes completely lost. It's not my ministry anyway; it's His.

Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains

John 9:41

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