Wednesday, April 4, 2012

so close, yet so far away

I have to admit, as this Lent winds down, I'm finding myself seriously strapped for topics to write about. I already feel like I've started to repeat myself, and that's just not cool. I'm sure you've already heard quite enough about the new house and the remodel issues, about my own craziness, and the other mundane details of my life that I share with you.

So where does that leave me? I'm really not sure. I had wanted to finish out this week strong, and even though there are only a few days left until Easter, it seems so far away. So. Far. Away. That's probably how Jesus felt in those days leading up to his crucifixion. Can you even imagine?? Knowing that you were going to have to endure this horrible, humiliating, painful death and having to just wait for it to happen? I bet he wished he could just fast forward to the end, don't you think?

It's interesting, I'm always caught between wanting to press the fast forward on life and wanting to hit pause. The upcoming weekend is going to be a very busy one, and just this morning I was thinking that I wished time would slow down just a little so that I would have the chance to get a couple of loads of laundry done (I still have two clean loads from last week that haven't been folded). Now, here I am, wishing I could fast forward through the rest of the week. Get it together, woman!! I've always been very fickle, what can I say?

Rather than wanting to slow down or speed up, I guess we need to all learn to just let things play out. To enjoy the moment. To take everything in and appreciate whatever is happening in your life right now. Of course, right now, I want to pull my hair out. I want the house to be done, I want Confirmation to be over, and I want to be able to fit into my regular jeans again and get my abs back. But focusing on the future is robbing me of the present, and I'm not taking any time to enjoy the things that are happening right now.

Have you ever heard that song "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins? It's a country song (don't hate... I love country music. They talk about God and morals and sappy stuff and they don't curse. I like to think it's God's music). Anyway, it kind of sums up what I'm trying to say. I think I'll try to get fancy and post a link. We'll see how that goes.

Wherever you're at in your life, whatever you're doing, wherever you're going, try to slow down and enjoy the ride a little bit more. Trust me, I know it's not easy. I suck at it. But I'm gonna try, even if I have to put that song on repeat for a little while. (Another good one is Darius Rucker's "It Won't Be Like This for Long") Enjoy this most holy of weeks. And if nothing else, be thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ who suffered and died for us so that we may have eternal life. That's pretty cool, and it makes life worth living. Along with all that Easter candy :)

See if that works for you!!!

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