Thursday, April 5, 2012

mini miracle

Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to bore you with anymore stories about the house and the demo and the remodel, etc. etc., but I just have to tell you this story. Sometimes it is so perfectly clear that God is so good!!

As you probably already know, we have to replace the banister on our staircase. Originally, I thought this would be an easy job. Easy and not too expensive... I mean, it's just a little bit of wood, right? Slap that sucker on the stairs and call it a day. Boy was I wrong. Just google "stair anatomy" and you'll see how complicated they are!! geeezzzz. I started getting quotes from different people: a stair company and then an independent woodworker. Both were ridiculously expensive, said they couldn't do exactly what I wanted, and made me feel crazy for even trying to put in a new banister without building a whole new staircase fancy enough to please the Queen of England.

Yesterday I was stuck. I didn't know what to do. We reallllly didn't want to spend that much money on the stairs, but I didn't know what other options we had! We certainly are not equipped to install a banister ourselves... I mean, I'm awesome at tile demo, but that's where it ends (oh, I'm pretty good at refinishing furniture too, but I guess I'm not supposed to be doing that kind of stuff right now... fumes? whatever).

I headed to the house yesterday evening feeling very defeated. While I was driving I got a call from a number I didn't recognize, and when I listened to the message, it was from one of the many stair companies I had contacted a week or so ago at the beginning of my search. I wasn't even sure that it was worth it to have someone come else and look at it - we already had two completely different people tell us that stair banisters cost an arm and a leg.

But something about the message, and the timing, struck me. The man seemed so nice on the voice mail, and something told me that he called when he did for a reason. I just had this feeling that God was sending me a sign. When I was ready to give up on the whole thing, I get this phone call I wasn't expecting. I decided to trust Him and call back.

Low and behold, Terry the stair genius came out to the house today, designed exactly what I wanted, and gave me a quote that was half of what the others quoted. MIRACLE! Honestly, I could not be happier. And I know that this truly is a gift from God. I probably never would have even called anyone else. I certainly wouldn't have ever called my man Terry. I am so thankful to God today for this small blessing! My mini stair miracle!

I know it may sound cheesy, and you may be skeptical, but I think that we need to take the time to recognize that the good things in life happen because of God. It's not luck, it's not coincidence, it's not karma or randomness, it's God and His amazing love for us. He really will help you through anything. But you have to trust Him, you have to look for Him, you have to ask Him.

Tonight is my favorite mass of the year - the mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday. At this mass we celebrate the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples and we remember that Jesus is still present with us in the bread and wine at every mass. What an amazing miracle!!! We are also reminded of Jesus washing the disciples' feet. Can you even imagine, having the Son of God wash your feet??? Crazy! But Jesus was showing them how much he loved them, that he was here to serve them, and encouraged them to serve others. Such a great message for us all.

Happy Holy Thursday!!

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above." James 1:17

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