Thursday, February 19, 2015

lent, y'all

well hello there, internet. it's literally been years. part of me thought this little blog may have disappeared while i was away, but 'tis not the case. the internet really is in it for the long haul.

so, lent is again upon us. as previously mentioned, i suck at lent. more spcifically, i suck at sacrifice. yesterday i decided to try and fast (not something i usually participate in), only because i knew i wasn't going to make it to mass with both children flying solo. by the end of the day, i was incredibly hangry (if you don't know what that means then you need to spend some time on urban dictionary) and basically a miserable, cranky human being. i didn't feel any closer to God and i definitely didn't feel closer to my husband since i kind of wanted to punch him in the face (being hangry is a serious condition).
all this to say that instead of giving something up for lent, i'm doing something. and that something is this blog.
it won't be easy and i'll be as consistent as i can. i didn't post yesterday because i was too hungry to think straight, and while i intended to write a full post tonight, it appears that won't be happening because my baby is already awake and screaming in the other room. yay! at least i had time to finish my ice cream.

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